Well, it's another new year. So what does it hold for us? We all have the whole "new year's resolution" concept going. Do people really keep those? They start off right, but slowly things go back to the way they "use to be". I mean its good intention in making a resoultion, but really what's the point? Personally, I don't make them. Not because I'm not strong willed, but because if I'm going to do something, then I will. I don't have to wait for the new year to do so.
I entered the new year in the house of the Lord and had an awesome time! Then I had to go to work. That means technically I haven't been sleep all year lol! (drums here). Seriously though they say a new year brings around new changes. New opporunities. New excitment. New adventures. I'm open to it all. Come on people, let's do stuff we've never done before (keep it legal please)....... It's a New Year. Fresh start. What's really holding you back?
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