Those up top are devil sqaures. Anyway, I had 2 boxes of these wonderful snack cakes. TWO BOXES! They lasted over the period of 2 weeks or so. Nobody else were eating them, but me! So I'm at my last devil sqaure. I'm excited about this. Got my mind set and ready for the kill of this delicious cake. I go into the cabinet. It's not there. I'm guessing maybe I ate it and didn't realize it. Not too messed up about it, I go into the fridge and what do I find?

This note in the fride under one piece of devil sqaure left. FYI, Trey is my brother......who currently lives in Cali. I'm in Tennessee. Really mom? Lol! My thing is, I had 2 boxes. TWO BOXES! Why wait til the very last one and get it. Yes, I'm greatful she didn't eat both, but you know how it is when you have your mind set on something and next thing you know, plan destroyed, access denied!
I don't mind sharing at all. Just don't wait til the last one to grab and go. That's all I ask......
I know how you feel woman that happens to me all the time mama you wrong for that one lol