- You're ugly!
- You're fat!
- You're stupid.
- You're and idiot.
- You don't belong here!
- Go away!
The saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt." Maybe that applies for some people because words can cut you like a razor! As a child, I was bullied. Alot! I didn't hate myself, just my situation. There where times when I didn't want to go to school and even times I wish I would just die. Bullying is something serious in today's society.
Children will be children, but there is also a limit. Why do children feel the need to bully? What is the purpose? To make themselves feel better? Children need to be aware that bullying isn't just picking on somebody. It's causing starvastion, cut wrists, gun shots to the head...... It's causing DEATHS! So what she is skinner than she is. So what her hair is longer. Everyone is different.

I saw this post on instagram. So many children who are bullies have no idea what the person they are bullying are already going through at home. Thats why they say "Never judge a book by it's cover." Learn to read the story first. You'd be surprized at what people are going throgh. A child should not have to go to school to "fit in!"
Parents, teach your children that bullyng is wrong. No child is better than the next. In my situation, bullying only made me a stronger person. For another child, it could mean death. Be careful how you treat and talk to people. You never really know the impact a bully has on someone until it's too late!