Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Anatomy of Anger

Last year, we spent a few bible study sessions talking about anger and what it does to the mind. Our key scripture was Ephesians 4:26-27 ...... so let's first start off with the different types of anger.

*Sudden Anger - needs to be controlled (repress it, don't express it, confess it)
*Sinful Anger - needs to be condemned (Anger is not a wickedness, but it itself is wicked)
* Stubborn Anger - A person who let the sun go down on their wrath (don't go to bed angry about the same thing/ don't hold grudges)

So we did a little dissecting and these are the 6 steps of anger.... Ephesians 4:31

1. Bitterness - feeling of resentment when we think we have been wronged. You are upset about it, but you brush it off

2. Wrath - (greek meaning: to burn) - burning on the inside, not yet showing your emotions, but holding it in

3. Anger - expression from the outside. You can no longer hold in just how mad or anger you are about whatever....

4. Clamour - speaking loud...yelling and not realizing it..Ex: you're talking to someone and they say you don't have to yell. You respond I'm not yelling this is just how I talk. Lol, no you're yelling lol!

5. Evil Speaking - You start saying regretful things (out of anger)

6. Malice - you have a "desire" not a "want" but a "desire" to hurt or harm someone.

Moral of the anger story: When you reach bitterness, don't let it escalate. Get to the root of the problem before it turns into something unnecessary. It all falls back to, "do not let the sun go down on your wrath" .....


  1. number one and number two describes me perfectly

  2. I try not to show my emotions when I'm angry or upset about anything
