Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The Anatomy of Anger
Last year, we spent a few bible study sessions talking about anger and what it does to the mind. Our key scripture was Ephesians 4:26-27 ...... so let's first start off with the different types of anger.
*Sudden Anger - needs to be controlled (repress it, don't express it, confess it)
*Sinful Anger - needs to be condemned (Anger is not a wickedness, but it itself is wicked)
* Stubborn Anger - A person who let the sun go down on their wrath (don't go to bed angry about the same thing/ don't hold grudges)
So we did a little dissecting and these are the 6 steps of anger.... Ephesians 4:31
1. Bitterness - feeling of resentment when we think we have been wronged. You are upset about it, but you brush it off
2. Wrath - (greek meaning: to burn) - burning on the inside, not yet showing your emotions, but holding it in
3. Anger - expression from the outside. You can no longer hold in just how mad or anger you are about whatever....
4. Clamour - speaking loud...yelling and not realizing it..Ex: you're talking to someone and they say you don't have to yell. You respond I'm not yelling this is just how I talk. Lol, no you're yelling lol!
5. Evil Speaking - You start saying regretful things (out of anger)
6. Malice - you have a "desire" not a "want" but a "desire" to hurt or harm someone.
Moral of the anger story: When you reach bitterness, don't let it escalate. Get to the root of the problem before it turns into something unnecessary. It all falls back to, "do not let the sun go down on your wrath" .....
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Stop Bullying

- You're ugly!
- You're fat!
- You're stupid.
- You're and idiot.
- You don't belong here!
- Go away!
The saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt." Maybe that applies for some people because words can cut you like a razor! As a child, I was bullied. Alot! I didn't hate myself, just my situation. There where times when I didn't want to go to school and even times I wish I would just die. Bullying is something serious in today's society.
Children will be children, but there is also a limit. Why do children feel the need to bully? What is the purpose? To make themselves feel better? Children need to be aware that bullying isn't just picking on somebody. It's causing starvastion, cut wrists, gun shots to the head...... It's causing DEATHS! So what she is skinner than she is. So what her hair is longer. Everyone is different.

I saw this post on instagram. So many children who are bullies have no idea what the person they are bullying are already going through at home. Thats why they say "Never judge a book by it's cover." Learn to read the story first. You'd be surprized at what people are going throgh. A child should not have to go to school to "fit in!"
Parents, teach your children that bullyng is wrong. No child is better than the next. In my situation, bullying only made me a stronger person. For another child, it could mean death. Be careful how you treat and talk to people. You never really know the impact a bully has on someone until it's too late!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Poetry - The Ultimate Movie Poem
Ok blog readers! I do not think this has been done before. So hopefully I'm the first to make a poem using movie titles about life. It may be a bit corny, but hey I don't see you coming up with anything. LOL! Enjoy!
Thinking about nothing but this thing we call LIFE
All the MAJOR PAYNE that is in it
All the heartache and stife
All the WILD THINGS that occurs
Sometimes makes one want to SCREAM
And you can not AWAKE from this dream
It's like a game of HIDE AND SEEK
But you are never to be found
There is not a soul there
To come and grab the REBOUND
Life is like the MATRIX
Everything is FAST AND FURIOUS
When you try really hard to settle down
Things become DELIRIOUS
Looking for it over and over again
But be careful exactly where you look
Because you could find nothing more than ORIGINAL SIN
Life is about living
Seeing things from up above
Having that wonderful feeling
That feels A LOT LIKE LOVE
Everyone wants to settle down
Have KIDS and get married
Then you become UNFAITHFUL
So he wants to cheat, you think
I'll take him for all he's got
And he can have back his name
So you go through the RUNDOWN
Cuz it's time for LE DIVORCE
It's time for the BREAK-UP
See you in court
You take him for everything he's got
THE LAKE HOUSE, the KIDS, and the ride
You leave him with nothing
Not even his PRIDE
And now you have it all
He is now like SHATTERED GLASS
Waiting for THE FALL
Then you are back where you started
And he is A MAN APART
But why do you feel this way
And what have you learned
Life isn't how you thought
And somewhere was a WRONG TURN
Now that your life has FALLEN apart,
God is who you seek
He should never be your FINAL DESTINATION
Which is why you've been so weak
Keep God in your life
With Him by your side
You'll always be prepared (say that like Scar from the Lion King)
In the end, your life is like a NEVER ENDING STORY
That builds up bit by bit
And that my friend is what we call LIFE
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Action News Angels
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Action News Angel |
Meet the Angels. Not Charlie's but the Action News Angels. We're tough, we're hard core and we're ready to lay the smackdown on anybody who comes our way. Well, not really. At least not yest any way.
We all work together and came up with the idea of taking a self defense class. Yes, we come up with a lot of crazy ideas while at work. However, this one isn't so bad because we are women and we should know how to protect ourselves. So BAM! There we are. Ready to learn.
I'm in action. Please don't talk about me too bad. This was my first day and that's as high as my leg will allow me to go. Lol! This isn't as easy as it looks either. Punching and kicking a bag is hard work.
So we started out with warming up. Got a little cardio in. (running). Then we got on the mat and begin to do a combo of things like punching, kicking, push ups, etc. I'll be the first to admit that I have NO upper body strength. When he said push ups, I was like, "no". I told the trainer and he said, "you gotta start somewhere". I wanted to start by punching him in the face, but that's another story all together. My arms are already hurting from punching this freakin' bag and now you want me to do push ups? Sir, I'mma need you to calm all that down.
Anyway, after all that foolishness, we did a few cool down excerises with the abs and then he made us sit sideways, put your right arm over your left shoulder and push up with your left arm and then switch. Sir, didn't I just tell you......You know what, never mind.

So we made it through our first work out. We felt pretty great afterwards. Nice and energized. Until we woke up sore the next morning. Oh Lawd! I could'nt raise my arms. See them push ups! I'mma leave it alone.
Until next week my friends........
Thursday, January 17, 2013
My Hunger Game
That moment when you are eating something that is really good and you get to those last few bites and that is normally the best part? I had a moment simialr to this. We all are familar with devil squares, right? They are little snack cakes. They come 2 in a pack and 5 in a box.

Those up top are devil sqaures. Anyway, I had 2 boxes of these wonderful snack cakes. TWO BOXES! They lasted over the period of 2 weeks or so. Nobody else were eating them, but me! So I'm at my last devil sqaure. I'm excited about this. Got my mind set and ready for the kill of this delicious cake. I go into the cabinet. It's not there. I'm guessing maybe I ate it and didn't realize it. Not too messed up about it, I go into the fridge and what do I find?

This note in the fride under one piece of devil sqaure left. FYI, Trey is my brother......who currently lives in Cali. I'm in Tennessee. Really mom? Lol! My thing is, I had 2 boxes. TWO BOXES! Why wait til the very last one and get it. Yes, I'm greatful she didn't eat both, but you know how it is when you have your mind set on something and next thing you know, plan destroyed, access denied!
I don't mind sharing at all. Just don't wait til the last one to grab and go. That's all I ask......

Those up top are devil sqaures. Anyway, I had 2 boxes of these wonderful snack cakes. TWO BOXES! They lasted over the period of 2 weeks or so. Nobody else were eating them, but me! So I'm at my last devil sqaure. I'm excited about this. Got my mind set and ready for the kill of this delicious cake. I go into the cabinet. It's not there. I'm guessing maybe I ate it and didn't realize it. Not too messed up about it, I go into the fridge and what do I find?

This note in the fride under one piece of devil sqaure left. FYI, Trey is my brother......who currently lives in Cali. I'm in Tennessee. Really mom? Lol! My thing is, I had 2 boxes. TWO BOXES! Why wait til the very last one and get it. Yes, I'm greatful she didn't eat both, but you know how it is when you have your mind set on something and next thing you know, plan destroyed, access denied!
I don't mind sharing at all. Just don't wait til the last one to grab and go. That's all I ask......
Monday, January 14, 2013
Spicy or Not
Hey there. That's me over there. Looking all ecited about life and everything. I'm a bit of a dare devil at times and I like to try dangerous/exciting things at time. Yes, I'm a walking oxymoron. So in my hand contains something serious, if you will. I forgot what it was called but a co-worker had it on her desk and I like spicy food. It looked interesting. So I decide to give it a go.......
In taste mode. This is serious and critical. Everyone please be silent as I begin to eperience something interesting.
By the look on my face, you can pretty much guess this out come of the situation. Hot, but not too hot.
Ok so maybe it did have an after type of hotness going on and maybe I did run to the water fountain, but seriously, does all that really matter? Afterwards, I decided to put it on a donut. What? We had donuts that day, I had the spicyness going, why not? After I did that, a few others decided to do it as well. See, I started something. The spicy donut. Spiciest at its finest. I'm going to be rich......
Friday, January 11, 2013
Ketchup Taste Test
Attention! Attention! Ah hem..... Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. I proudly present to you a taste test that probably has not been done in the work place. If it has, I know nothing about it! A taste test that will blow your mind. A taste test far beyond any other taste test you've tasted to test. Lol, ok I'm getting a bit carried away. Moving on!
Once upon a time, but not to long ago (last week) my co workers and I were talking about ketchup. (don't ask how this came about). One of them said she loves ketchup on everything and could tell the difference between certain ketchups. So my mind decided to conjuer up an idea so smart my head would explode if I even begin to know what I was talking about. A "ketchup taste test".......
Her first aproach was to see if she could tell the difference just by looking at them. This went on for a nice little while here. Obviously, to her surprise, that was a negative so then it was time for plan B.
Taste Testing! What this was really all about in the first place, but yeay! So she tried the many types of ketchup. Going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. This was quite intersting to watch by the way. However, there was one rule. You got to have rules, right? She her mind about the brands as many times as she'd like, but once she wrote down her finally answer, it was locked in.....
Ok, this one is definitely Heinz. Wait, maybe because its lighter than the others so it has to be Heinz. Ok, no its Hunts. Yes this one is Hunts.
Wait let me take a sip and clear my tastebuds here. (forgot the word she actually used) I'm going to get this right. Determination! I got this!
After all this talking and convincing herself which is which, she writes down her final answers! Ladies and gentlemen, this is it. The moment you've been waiting for. Out of 6, she gets a total of.......wait for it......wait for it..... Are you waiting?
Once upon a time, but not to long ago (last week) my co workers and I were talking about ketchup. (don't ask how this came about). One of them said she loves ketchup on everything and could tell the difference between certain ketchups. So my mind decided to conjuer up an idea so smart my head would explode if I even begin to know what I was talking about. A "ketchup taste test".......
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The Ketchup |
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The Taster |
So as you can see there are 6 cups of ketchup wasted to be tested. 3 of them are the same brand. That information was given to the tester. Doesn't she look excited? Go girl!
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Concentrating hard here. |
Her first aproach was to see if she could tell the difference just by looking at them. This went on for a nice little while here. Obviously, to her surprise, that was a negative so then it was time for plan B.
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Plan B |
Taste Testing! What this was really all about in the first place, but yeay! So she tried the many types of ketchup. Going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. This was quite intersting to watch by the way. However, there was one rule. You got to have rules, right? She her mind about the brands as many times as she'd like, but once she wrote down her finally answer, it was locked in.....
Ok, this one is definitely Heinz. Wait, maybe because its lighter than the others so it has to be Heinz. Ok, no its Hunts. Yes this one is Hunts.
Wait let me take a sip and clear my tastebuds here. (forgot the word she actually used) I'm going to get this right. Determination! I got this!
After all this talking and convincing herself which is which, she writes down her final answers! Ladies and gentlemen, this is it. The moment you've been waiting for. Out of 6, she gets a total of.......wait for it......wait for it..... Are you waiting?
ONE! She only got 1 right. The types that were presented was
- McDonalds - Fancy
- Krystal - Heinz
- Burger King - Heinz
- Hunts (I think it was old, it looked like bar b que sauce. I need to check and see if she's still living)
- Sonic - Heinz
- Tomato Ketchup from somewhere
She only got one of the Heinz correct. However, due to the disappointment, there will be another contest approaching in the near future so stay tuned. Never know what my mind may conjuer up next........
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Music - Nobody Needs Nobody?
Ok so do you all remember that song alooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time ago by Playa Fly called "Nobody Needs Nobody? Yes? No? Maybe? Let me refresh your memory for a second. WARNING, before you click, this song is very vulgar. One of many reasons I didn't like it!
Click HERE ......................
So now that you no what I'm talking about, just tell me one thing. Why is he lying? More like contradicting himself. Clearly if you are singing a song about how you don't need anyone, why would you add "all I need is me and my dawg"? That disturbs me a bit.
It's obvious that everyone needs somebody. At least one person, right? My thing is, if you are going to make a song saying you don't need anyone then do that. Don't say, I don't need anyone, but all I need is me and my one other person because that means you messed the whole message of the song up!
I have periodic ranting moments about the less important things in life. Enjoy!
Click HERE ......................
So now that you no what I'm talking about, just tell me one thing. Why is he lying? More like contradicting himself. Clearly if you are singing a song about how you don't need anyone, why would you add "all I need is me and my dawg"? That disturbs me a bit.
It's obvious that everyone needs somebody. At least one person, right? My thing is, if you are going to make a song saying you don't need anyone then do that. Don't say, I don't need anyone, but all I need is me and my one other person because that means you messed the whole message of the song up!
I have periodic ranting moments about the less important things in life. Enjoy!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Internationally Known - Paris, France
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The Eiffel Tower |
Bonjour everyone. That's about as far as I go with the French lol. However, welcome to Paris. Yeay! So in my previous blog, (Internationally Known - London), I stated that we went to Paris during my trip there. We went by train. It was only a 2 hour ride so it wasn't too bad.
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I'm in deep thought on this train ride. Very deep thought lol.
Day 1-Wed- Paris here we come! We got there and checked in and shopped for years. However my cousin and I were starving, but her mother was in "shop mode" and we couldn't get her out. On our adventure, I think there was some French guy trying to holla at me but he was speaking french and I didnt know what he was saying. But I'm pretty sure he wanted my number lol!
We ate at Le Comptoir Ducommerce. The food was great! Yes I ordered a burger and fries in Paris. Lol. Our waiter Jeremy was so cute. He is from the Islands. He didn't speak English but we got through it. After that, we headed for the Eiffel Tower. Oh y goodness is all I can say. The view was soooo amazing. It was interesting too because you take the elevator thingy they have to each floor and on each floor, they have souvenir stores and they was jamming to Beyonce lol.
On top of the Eiffel Tower. Great View!

Beautiful, isn't it?

So I have no Earthly idea what that says, but it was in French and it looked cool. LOL!
Day 2-Thurs- We woke up and took a shower the best way possible. Yeah we spent the night in Paris and the bathroom is unexplainable. The breakfast they had was just unheard of. Continental breakfast baby! Are you ready?........ Bread and coffee. LOL! If you wanted juice, they sent you to the vending machine. What? Yeah, I'll pass. That's just like not even eating.

I'm pretty sure this says Train Station. Maybe
something to do with a train station? I have to
get my French skills up! Lol.
something to do with a train station? I have to
get my French skills up! Lol.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Internationally Known - London, England

Welcome to London, England! This was an experience of a life time. Best 8 days ever. I mean how many people actually can say they've been overseas and mean it? I had my little accent going and everything. But seriously though, there are a lot of different things going on over there than in the US! Like currency. They go by British pounds. So like 7 pounds would be like $14. Expensive isn't it? And their Mcdonalds has a deli! Oh and they don't sell biscuts with chicken. (KFC).
Day 1-Fri- My mother dropped me off at the airport. Bye mom! My flight left at 9:05 am. I met my cousins Vonique and Harriet in Houston. We left from Houston to Chicago. We were late getting to Chicago and almost missed our flight to London, but we made it within minutes. Close call! All together, that was like a 12 hour flight. MAN!

and with the same cloths on from yesterday! But that aint gon get us down. Oh no! We went and bought some things like soap,
underwear and etc until our lugage came. We went out to eat with a few friends at Dover Street (Jazz Cafe). The food was so cute and good! LOL!
Day 3: Sun- Still no lugage! Wait, a phone call saying our lugage will be here at 4:30 pm. YEAY! But with the same clothes on from Fri, we was still making it happen. LOL! And no we did not stink. Yeah, we took baths and made it work cuz we got it like that. We went to a spot called Piccidilly Circus. Thats just the name of the area. It was a lot of shopping areas and resturants up and down that area. It was great! We ate at Henry's for lunch. We also ate at Cafe Concerto for dessert. Man it was so good. We get back home and YES we have lugage! Now things can really get popin'.
Day 4-Mon- Happy to have lugage! Very happy! We went to Oxford Circus. Same as Piccidilly. We went into a mall and a place called Harrod. My cuz Vonique and I lost her mom, Harriet. So we went throughout the mall and no sign. So we go to customer services to leave a note and we waited. We waited for a good little while before she decides to show up. LOL! But it was still
great! We also went to Tottenham Court, another shopping strip. Von had on hills that day and we walked for years! LOL! Bet she won't do that again. We walked about everywhere. Took the subway and walk for hours. It was great! It was about dinner time and looked for years for this make believe resturant that my cousin say she ate at once before called Harris, but no one that we've asked has heard of it. LOL! Yeah we never found it. It's ok cuz, I still love you. We end up eating at Giovanni, an italian resturant. Went to our apartment, watch Identity and went to bed.

Day 5-Tues- I had Mickey D's for breakfast/lunch. Woke up late! Had to see what it was like. Man! Deli! Then we checked out the Tower of London, (pic up top) took a mini criuse and saw the EYE! That's like a farris wheel but its huge and it goes around very slowly >>>>>>
Like it would take some hours before you got down! Notice I said we saw it, we did not get on it. LOL! At the Tower though, you know they have the guards standing around and they can't move or talk. Von and I took a pic with one and we tried to make him laugh but it didn't work. I bet he was like "These foolish Americans". It was great! LOL! I would've had pics with them but my cousin lost her camera :-(
went out to a bar. I didn't drink anything, don't worry mom! We went back to the apartment where Harriet was on the phone trying to interpid English to English because she is an American! LOL! (thats an inside joke) We watched Kung Fu Panda and then lights out.
<<<<<< My british boo! Yes Lawd!!!! Yes I got the digits. Don't quite know how to use them, but I got them lol.
Day 6 and 7 we went to Paris, but I'll save that experience for another blog. We took the train. Another once in a lifetime opportunity there.
Day 8 - Fri- Time to go! Made it to the airport and our driver took us to the wrong terminal! He needs to get it together. But we had a 10 hour flights. I watched like 4 movies. It was great, but I was ready to get off after that last movie. LOL! Finally made it to Houston. We all departed and went our seprate ways. Bye guys! Then my flight back home was suppose to leave at 7:10pm. First the flight got changed to another gate and would leave at 7:45pm. Then the plane wasn't there and then when the plane got there, the crew to fly the plane wasn't there. They got there at like 8:10. Then I couldn't leave because of the storm and had to wait til that went away. I didn't leave til like 9ish. Got home at 11:09pm when I was suppose to be there at 8:44pm. See that's the kind of stuff that makes me not want to fly. I'm already afraid of flying thrn you wanna come and do this. What type of foolishness?
Thanks for hanging with me in London bloggers. See you in Paris :-)
Poetry - the wrong focus
Written by: Zebonique Petties
screaming for answers, crying for reasoning
trying to understand why this is happening
a cold front so deeply connected
to the pain in which i'm enduring
i can't stop the hurt
past experiences i'm dreading dearly
keeping me away from future promises
the present I can't seem to focus on
stuck in a time zone that should've been left alone
and yet struggling with the "let go"
voices in my head calling out to me
remembering things unexpectedly
suffering from what i thought i'd forgotten
scared of things that has yet to happened
where is this coming from
strangely lingering...... on the "already done"
the "already done"................
NO! to a burden I shall no longer claim
i rebuke this foolishness in Jesus name
happy i shall be, a future i will see
my own life is a determined key
i hold the power to make this go away
God give me strength as I continue to pray
for healing and direction
for knowledge and protection
let thy Will be done.......
screaming for answers, crying for reasoning
trying to understand why this is happening
a cold front so deeply connected
to the pain in which i'm enduring
i can't stop the hurt
past experiences i'm dreading dearly
keeping me away from future promises
the present I can't seem to focus on
stuck in a time zone that should've been left alone
and yet struggling with the "let go"
voices in my head calling out to me
remembering things unexpectedly
suffering from what i thought i'd forgotten
scared of things that has yet to happened
where is this coming from
strangely lingering...... on the "already done"
the "already done"................
NO! to a burden I shall no longer claim
i rebuke this foolishness in Jesus name
happy i shall be, a future i will see
my own life is a determined key
i hold the power to make this go away
God give me strength as I continue to pray
for healing and direction
for knowledge and protection
let thy Will be done.......
Friday, January 4, 2013
Music Styles
Everyone has their own style when it comes to music. It's like music has its own moment. Some people listen to get pumped up. Some listen to calm down. Some listen for the sound of the music. Some listen for lyric purposes. Reguardless of what you listen to or for when listening to music, the point is music is here to stay.
I enjoy all types of music. Everything from country to rap. I guess my favorite genre is Christian and Country. Nice combo isn't it? Lol! Don't really have a favorite music group or band or singer. Lately, I've been listening to Christian music, or as the local radio station here calls it, inspirational music. There's this one song by Jason Castro called "Only A Mountain" that I have fallen in love with. Previously, I posted a poem I wrote called "My Mountain Knows My Voice". The lyrics to this song describes perfectly what my poem was stating. Check out his video below. Listen to the words. So inspirational.
I enjoy all types of music. Everything from country to rap. I guess my favorite genre is Christian and Country. Nice combo isn't it? Lol! Don't really have a favorite music group or band or singer. Lately, I've been listening to Christian music, or as the local radio station here calls it, inspirational music. There's this one song by Jason Castro called "Only A Mountain" that I have fallen in love with. Previously, I posted a poem I wrote called "My Mountain Knows My Voice". The lyrics to this song describes perfectly what my poem was stating. Check out his video below. Listen to the words. So inspirational.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
The Can vs The Bottle
My favorite drink of all times is Pepsi. Pepsi rocks. Woot woot! Ok but my thing is I like to drink it.......wait for it........from a can and not a bottle. I don't mind drinking it from a bottle, but I would go to the ends of the Earth to find a can first before I think about a bottle. Why?
Maybe it's because a can gets colder than a bottle? It tastes stronger in a can than a bottle and that's with any drink (in my opinion folks). So let's check out the pros and cons of a bottle.....
Pros: Cons:
It gets cold It takes longer to get cold
You can save what's not finished Once opened, loses its fizz after a while
It has a top
Now lets check out the can................
Pros: Cons:
It gets cold quick It doesn't have a top
You can save what you don't finish It may not be good to save
Well my active mind will not allow me to conjuer up any more interesting pros and cons on this topic. However, it looks like the bottle has one more pro than the can. I still prefer the can just because it does get colder and I like to hold it lol! It's cute..........
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Spaghetti Controversy
Side dish or main dish? Can it not be both? Where I'm from, we eat it as a side dish and I just thought it was a "down south" type of thing. However, it has been brought to my attention, from other southerners, that it is not a side dish but the main dish. Ummmm...... So now to my understanding, its not a south thing. Just a Memphis thing lol!
I can see it being a main dish. Add a salad to this pic and boom! We have a meal!
I can also see it as a side dish as well! Yes that is fish and spaghetti.
Now to some, you may be thinking, "Fish and spaghetti? That's like 50 different meats." Lol, that it is my friends, but you can't really down the idea until you actually down it. Get it? Now personally I don't eat fish. (that's another blog) I do like chicken and yes, we do chicken and spaghetti as well. Side dish!
I also did research, google, and to my surprising alot of people don't know whether it's a side dish or a main dish. Well, I'm here to tell you it can be both. It's just all up to the eater. Take it as you please!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Poetry - My Mountain Knows My Voice
Written By: Zebonique Petties
All things in life
Are not always what they seem
When looking from a distance
You can't really know what it means
No one is perfect
That's nothing to prove
When life gives you mountains
Only your voice can make them move
Life comes at you fast
What more can you do
But maintain a "so what" mentality
And let God guide you through
"So what" life gets dim
And all you see is a blur
"So what" bad things happen
Obstacles occur
"So what" you felt you couldn't make it
When you tried your best
"So what", trials happen
They are only test
"So what" Satan attempts
To try and bring you down
"So what", who cares
God will turn it around
When it's all said and done
And you've made your choice
Your mountain has moved
Because it heard your voice
And yet I've done all I could
With nothing left to lose
No matter how hard I've tried
My mountain just won't move
All things in life
Are not always what they seem
When looking from a distance
You can't really know what it means
No one is perfect
That's nothing to prove
When life gives you mountains
Only your voice can make them move
Life comes at you fast
What more can you do
But maintain a "so what" mentality
And let God guide you through
"So what" life gets dim
And all you see is a blur
"So what" bad things happen
Obstacles occur
"So what" you felt you couldn't make it
When you tried your best
"So what", trials happen
They are only test
"So what" Satan attempts
To try and bring you down
"So what", who cares
God will turn it around
When it's all said and done
And you've made your choice
Your mountain has moved
Because it heard your voice
And yet I've done all I could
With nothing left to lose
No matter how hard I've tried
My mountain just won't move
Happy New Year

Well, it's another new year. So what does it hold for us? We all have the whole "new year's resolution" concept going. Do people really keep those? They start off right, but slowly things go back to the way they "use to be". I mean its good intention in making a resoultion, but really what's the point? Personally, I don't make them. Not because I'm not strong willed, but because if I'm going to do something, then I will. I don't have to wait for the new year to do so.
I entered the new year in the house of the Lord and had an awesome time! Then I had to go to work. That means technically I haven't been sleep all year lol! (drums here). Seriously though they say a new year brings around new changes. New opporunities. New excitment. New adventures. I'm open to it all. Come on people, let's do stuff we've never done before (keep it legal please)....... It's a New Year. Fresh start. What's really holding you back?
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